Vijay Naru spent a long time searching answers for problems of life in almost all walks of life which lead him to evaluate Astrology, Occult Sciences, Past Life Regression, Psychology of Human behavior, Laws of Attraction, Brahmakumaris, Theta Healings and Yoga Pranic Healing. Although he gained enough knowledge but he was never satisfied with answers he received and his quest for the answers which universally unfolds mysteries of life was still on.
Vijay was very much astonished with surprises of life which keeps on steering him, people from one place to another, one person to another group of persons, living in conflicts of life, relationship and marital conflicts, but failed to find satisfying results despite best efforts because of limitations of psychology and science in providing answers. Technically being from Engineering and IT background his logical mind always looked for proof which never made him believe anything which goes beyond Science.
During one of the painful emotional encounter of life, he was introduced to one of the Serenity Surrender (SS) Healer which left him in surprises of wonders that gave his life a 180 degree turn. Next time when he approached his healer, his first question was…..What she do that changed everything so quick………and since then there was no turning back in his Journey of Life as Vijay learned the concepts of evolution, masculinity feminity, parenting, dark forces through which we experiences our Karmas in everyday of life and found SS being the best Healing Modality which left none of his questions unanswered and he adopted SS as way of life, the only modality which goes beyond religions and imposes no restrictions, limitations of any kind which sets one free, allows one to evolve, find real meaning of life, heal, learn to live through his/her own way in life. Now, he is sharing his precious learnings to help others to understand their journey of life, remove mental turmoil, emotional pain, physical ailments, solve financial problems and attain bliss to live effortlessly, getting answers to all their questions of life.