
Serenity Surrender(SS)

Our natural state of being is that of peace, love and joy. Even though we experience negative self-harming emotions such as hurt, pity, anger, jealousy; our inner self has the natural tendency to move towards its original state of being peace, love and joy. That is why eventually our anger slowly ebbs away, we tend to move towards forgiveness and tend to find ways to be at peace with self. This is our innate ability to heal.

Each situation or person that we experience in our life carries the potential to help us learn valuable lessons about self and trigger our growth. However, quite often these situations seem to challenge our existing notions about self and we dislike them. Reacting to these situations through negative emotions like anger, hurt, pity etc. seems to be the only way to respond to these situations and hence, we end up prolonging our misery through holding on to such negative emotions. Thereby, we also end up blocking our growth through our life situations as well as our natural healing process.

Serenity Surrender, through its structured healing sessions and workshops can facilitate re-connecting with self and restoring our inherent ability to heal.

Anupama Sharma

Anupama Sharma has always been a curious and inquisitive girl, with a natural bent towards mysticism

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Eliza Chadha

Struggling to deal with immensely difficult situations and exasperating people in her life, Eliza initiated her

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Watch our YouTube videos to gain deep insights into various aspects of life and the SS philosophy.

We regularly share guidance on various topics ranging from emotions, conflict resolution, physical body and finances to name a few, through our videos.

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Get in touch with our expert therapists, if you find yourself facing a challenging situation that you are unable to find a resolution to. Serenity Surrender can help you in dealing with any area of your life, be it relationships, career related challenges, mental health related concerns such as depression, anxiety, financial blocks, physical ailments to name a few.

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Attend the Serenity Surrender workshops to gain a deeper understanding of life, to learn the SS healing techniques and to live an empowered life! The SS workshops have been structured in an easy to understand manner and introduce the participants to profound wisdom about various aspects of life. Each SS workshop has the potential to bring about deep shifts in the participants’ understanding about life, enabling them to live a more fulfilling, peaceful and joyful life!

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Read Shivi Dua’s books to gain insights into the Serenity Surrender ideology. Each book shares concepts that can help one begin to live an empowered life! The concepts have been explained in an easy to understand manner along with multiple examples from daily life and case studies. These books are a great starting point if you wish to learn more about the SS ideology, but are yet finding it difficult to attend a workshop or a healing session.

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Our Books and Cards

Let the Power be With You
Apne Ander Ki Shakti Ko Pehchanein
Serenity Surrender Card Deck
Let Go Mom…..I will be Fine
My Shape
It’s tough for me to describe in words what Shivi Dua’s healing techniques have meant for me….. For to begin with, I didn’t even know what or who she was, even lesser ….what she did. But then the magic happened. Call it providence; call it Divine Guidance or Grace….. Words won’t suffice anyway.All I can describe is what I felt ‘after’ the session --- It was a state of being….which can only be experienced,…. not described. A feeling of wholeness….complete…..lacking nothing, seeking nothing….and yet--- overflowing with love.I shall borrow The
By: Aparrna Sharma

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Breathe is a workshop that guided me about how to recognize and release deep seated emotional & mental stresses. It teaches not only a breathing practice, but equips one with profound, quick & effective ways of pinpointing the root causes behind various issues one is faced with in the course of life. The exercises introduced during the course of the workshop work through conscious thoughts, to recognize even subconscious patterns and that helps alleviate life experiences that are a result

By: Cynthia Roli Gupta

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My son (then 5) was suffering from alopecia. There are no medicines to cure it. Doctors use steroids to treat it. The most astonishing fact about alopecia is that, the reason why it happens, what triggers it, has not been completely brought out. So here I was helpless, in despair, agonised to see my child losing chunks of hair every day. Doctors would say ‘steroids are the only thing to treat it’, ‘Get a wig made for him’, ‘and Do hair weaving’ and the suggestions were endless. At this point

By: Shalini Gupta

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Serenity Surrender (SS) has facilitated  way to explore myself deeper. Started in 2013 and since then the seamless journey of self recognition is in progress.The most appealing aspects of SS are, it's simple technique which even children can learn and, it's potential to know the root of the concern. Thus, impact of SS is deeper which resolves deep rooted beliefs about various aspects of life.Helping others and myself in this journey to recognise the peace and love we are, brings a sense of fulfillment. 
By: Anurodh Kumar

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Over my years of inner gauging through Serenity Surrender, I have learnt to understand and feel the emotions of people and relationships around me as a projection of the aspects of my life. The journey continues to be beautiful as I allow my emotions, perspectives and expressions to breathe in each moment. Serenity Surrender has taught me about the 'life being less ordinary' when I believe that 'life is for simply living'.

By: Akhilesh Arora

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It’s tough for me to describe in words what Shivi Dua’s healing techniques have meant for me….. For to begin with, I didn’t even know what or who she was, even lesser ….what she did. But then the magic happened. Call it providence; call it Divine Guidance or Grace….. Words won’t suffice anyway.All I can describe is what I felt ‘after’ the session --- It was a state of being….which can only be experienced,…. not described. A feeling of wholeness….complete…..lacking nothing, seeking nothing….and yet--- overflowing with love.I shall borrow The
By: Aparrna Sharma

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Breathe is a workshop that guided me about how to recognize and release deep seated emotional & mental stresses. It teaches not only a breathing practice, but equips one with profound, quick & effective ways of pinpointing the root causes behind various issues one is faced with in the course of life. The exercises introduced during the course of the workshop work through conscious thoughts, to recognize even subconscious patterns and that helps alleviate life experiences that are a result

By: Cynthia Roli Gupta

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My son (then 5) was suffering from alopecia. There are no medicines to cure it. Doctors use steroids to treat it. The most astonishing fact about alopecia is that, the reason why it happens, what triggers it, has not been completely brought out. So here I was helpless, in despair, agonised to see my child losing chunks of hair every day. Doctors would say ‘steroids are the only thing to treat it’, ‘Get a wig made for him’, ‘and Do hair weaving’ and the suggestions were endless. At this point

By: Shalini Gupta

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Serenity Surrender (SS) has facilitated  way to explore myself deeper. Started in 2013 and since then the seamless journey of self recognition is in progress.The most appealing aspects of SS are, it's simple technique which even children can learn and, it's potential to know the root of the concern. Thus, impact of SS is deeper which resolves deep rooted beliefs about various aspects of life.Helping others and myself in this journey to recognise the peace and love we are, brings a sense of fulfillment. 
By: Anurodh Kumar

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Over my years of inner gauging through Serenity Surrender, I have learnt to understand and feel the emotions of people and relationships around me as a projection of the aspects of my life. The journey continues to be beautiful as I allow my emotions, perspectives and expressions to breathe in each moment. Serenity Surrender has taught me about the 'life being less ordinary' when I believe that 'life is for simply living'.

By: Akhilesh Arora

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