Shradha found herself admist religious ceremonies and rituals when she got married and became a part of a highly spiritual family in Varanasi. Chanting, praying and serving people was the essence of where she belonged. She has believed in existence of the Gods and Godesses since childhood and vouches on the fact that if you leave your worries, the Almighty takes care of them. Throughout her journey this only belief gave her strength to overcome the difficulties of life. Unknowingly she has been surrendering her concerns and was never shaken even during the worst of her times. She always had faith in the power of chants and alternative therapy.
It was with the heart issues of her grandchild that she decided to learn some modality of alternative therapy and was thus guided towards Serenity Surrender(SS). SS brought major changes in her life.She felt peace and contentment within. She got more clarity of thoughts and understood that it is ultimately vibrations and energies that make a difference in your life. You get what you choose. You experience what you want to and SS is a powerful modality which helps you to bring choices in your platter. You can actually mould your life the way you want.
Working as a Principal in Aryan Petals-Varanasi, she has been extensively working with toddlers and young children. She understands the psychology of kids and their parents and the concerns they face in this modern day world. Self healing has given her more energy to deal with day to day chores and maintain a healthy and peaceful environment at her workplace and around. She has been practicing SS since Oct '10 and has helped many people come out of their emotional and physical clutters. She believes she is always guided and that her journey towards SS was also planned by the divine. She is only a mode of assisting people who are guided to move ahead in their spiritual path.