Our true self is what the divine has chosen to exist as, in this moment, in choosing to exist as us. Our body is a true manifestation of our true self.
At the same time, we often try to evade the new situation that comes up in our life, every time the situation is not according to our expectations. In trying to save ourselves from our unacceptable reality, we hold on to our old definition of ourselves, while our ever-renewing self is manifesting as our current reality. We want to believe that we can operate from our known ‘old’ self to control our reality. If we would just allow ourselves to experience the current reality step by step, we would discover new definitions of ourselves, our reality and the world around us.
While we keep resisting our situation, we can’t help experiencing it, as well. This leads to our transformation through the same, and the situation eventually changes. By now, however, we had come to derive an identity out of fighting that situation or managing it. Even as our true self has moved on from the earlier situation, we have started finding comfort in proving ourselves, our capability and wisdom through managing it. Therefore, we have now started holding on to it.
While our true self is a unique reflection of the divine, and, therefore, is a liberated existence, we create ego traps for ourselves to stay stuck and miserable in.
The ‘(Decode and Re)Form’ healing session that I would conduct for you accesses the trapped ego stuck deep in your body, keeping you from being a liberated existence that is meant to recognise its potential in this life. The healing, helps Decode the consciousness of the body or Form. Further, the guidance received during the healing helps dispel the distortions in the energy and dissolve the trapped egos. During the session, the guidance is effortlessly infused into the body, Reforming the Form.
The healing has a deep impact, that can be felt within a couple of days, and only keeps deepening with time.
The healing could help you with any issue that you are faced with in life. It could be a situation going on currently, e.g. a physical ailment, a financial crisis, a heartbreak, etc., or a pattern that has been central to your entire life or a large part of it, e.g.
The healing can be conducted in-person as well as online. It is equally effective both ways.
"Baby in the Womb" healing
Every human being has some specific experiences when they are a foetus in their mother’s womb. If the mother went through any mental, emotional or physical trauma while carrying the baby, the baby is likely to have absorbed, and have been impacted by it in some way. Since it is a big physical change for the mother to conceive a baby in her womb, it does impact her emotionally in various ways, which only adds to the various stresses she might be going through otherwise in life. The baby is bound to be affected in some way or the other. Sometimes the baby goes through a foetal distress due to one or more reasons.
Whatever be the reason for the baby absorbing any kind of trauma while in the womb, it would have been unavoidable as the mother always does the best that she can for the baby, while carrying it, and even later.
However, this can result in the human being developing any of the following tendencies:
The list is certainly not exhaustive. There could be many other experiences resulting from one’s time in the womb, and their birth.
Sometimes a person has heard about their difficult birth or their mother’s difficult pregnancy while carrying them. This stays in their mind and creates or fosters non-acceptance of one’s birth or creation, that plays out in life in various unpleasant ways.
The ‘Baby in the Womb’ healing session of ‘(Decode and Re)Form’ addresses those energies of the person that are stuck in those foetal or birth experiences of theirs, and releases them beautifully, thus releasing the person from the life-long patterns resulting from there.
"Open the Closed Door" healing
Sometimes, when we have dealt with a difficult situation for a long time, even if we have already learnt from the situation and the situation does not even seem as challenging any more, we do not see our way forward from it. We feel directionless and lost. It seems as if life will keep revolving around our known situation, but the passion that we once had to deal with it is no longer there in us.
This is the time when we have made our known situation our comfort zone, and are resisting moving from it. Inherently the movement has already happened, but we are so engrossed in our past experiences of that situation, that we are not able to accept our movement. We either do not believe that we have moved on from the situation, or do not want to believe so, because we fear that then we will be faced with something new, and will have to make an arduous journey all over again.
This is our ‘Closed Door’ situation. The truth is that there never are closed doors on our way. But sometimes, we refuse to move forward and create a closed door for ourselves.
This particular form of healing is meant to open us to this door ahead of us, which we are choosing to see as closed.
To book an online or in-person session, please write to me at shividua@hotmail.com.
I took a couple of Decode and reform sessions with Shivi mostly for issues related to my ear and other health issues . The sessions by themselves were very deep and enlightening, connecting so many dots. The immediate effect was it made me feel deeply serene. The first day itself, the inflammation in my ear went down significantly and in a few days the tinnitus that I experienced for over 15+ years reduced by 90 percent. I am also able to handle weather changes and eat cold foods like ice
I was in a fix with multiple bodily issues bothering me and blocks that I couldn’t address myself. I approached Shivi for a decode healing session. I wish to share that not only does my body feel energetic and healthy, but I’ve opened up in so many ways in life. It seems like my life is tuned to a higher level now. Since my early adulthood, I’ve been wanting to pursue many hobbies and change my integral lifestyle, but have been unable to do so. This session has enabled me
For over 20 years I have been going through sunburn which results in rashes all over my exposed hands, neck and face. This happens irrespective of summer or winter. And even though I am often deficient in Vitamin D, I hesitate sitting in the sunlight.
I took a session from Shivi about a month ago. I took the session for my sunburn as I was being troubled by it for so long. It was a one hour of deep, intense online session and as briefed by Shivi, I have felt many
The Decode and Reform session I took from Shivi Ma’am was very deep and profound. It helped me to understand how my soul has evolved through different lifetimes and how what seems to be my lack in this lifetime is actually the wisdom which I carry within. It also accelerated the growth in other aspects of my life as well.
I am really thankful to Shivi Ma'am for introducing me to this majestic healing session.
I took a couple of Decode and reform sessions with Shivi mostly for issues related to my ear and other health issues . The sessions by themselves were very deep and enlightening, connecting so many dots. The immediate effect was it made me feel deeply serene. The first day itself, the inflammation in my ear went down significantly and in a few days the tinnitus that I experienced for over 15+ years reduced by 90 percent. I am also able to handle weather changes and eat cold foods like ice
I was in a fix with multiple bodily issues bothering me and blocks that I couldn’t address myself. I approached Shivi for a decode healing session. I wish to share that not only does my body feel energetic and healthy, but I’ve opened up in so many ways in life. It seems like my life is tuned to a higher level now. Since my early adulthood, I’ve been wanting to pursue many hobbies and change my integral lifestyle, but have been unable to do so. This session has enabled me
For over 20 years I have been going through sunburn which results in rashes all over my exposed hands, neck and face. This happens irrespective of summer or winter. And even though I am often deficient in Vitamin D, I hesitate sitting in the sunlight.
I took a session from Shivi about a month ago. I took the session for my sunburn as I was being troubled by it for so long. It was a one hour of deep, intense online session and as briefed by Shivi, I have felt many
The Decode and Reform session I took from Shivi Ma’am was very deep and profound. It helped me to understand how my soul has evolved through different lifetimes and how what seems to be my lack in this lifetime is actually the wisdom which I carry within. It also accelerated the growth in other aspects of my life as well.
I am really thankful to Shivi Ma'am for introducing me to this majestic healing session.